The AStA legal advice from the HMK

Due to the Corona prevention, the HMK offers advice over the phone. The experts can be reached Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7pm on 0234 542 810 50. You will then end up on hold until an advisor can be spoken. Thanks for your understanding!

You can alternately reach different experts for your concerns during the consultation. For this we have created an annual overview for you.

The AStA legal advice is a free offer for students of the Ruhr University. The advice takes place in the form of an initial consultation. Students can take an appointment that usually lasts 15 minutes. Subsequent legal representation to the outside world does not take place.

Advice is provided on all legal issues. This includes: questions about examination law, BAFöG law, tenancy law, labor law and family law. The advice also includes registration law, trade law and tax law. Advice is given both at a time when a problem can still be averted and when the problem already exists or even if legal proceedings are ongoing.

The advice should enable the students to help themselves. Either the question can be answered in full or a recommendation can be made, what should be considered when choosing a lawyer, if this is necessary.

Advice by email does not take place. Advice is currently only available by phone during the specified opening times.

A brief description of the problem and the necessary documents can be sent by e-mail in advance of a telephone call. The consultants can use these to prepare for the phone call.

Dear students, please note that legal advice is provided by individual experts. You can download an overview for 2022 where you can meet your experts. If you don’t have time on a certain expert day, you can also go to the other experts. However, you should be prepared to be referred to another expert if your legal question is too specific.
The consultants are currently unable to make fixed appointments. The consultation is held in an open consultation hour on the basis of “first come, first served”.


HesseMichelsKlümper Rechtsanwälte und Steuerberater in Partnerschaft aus Bochum (PR 4364/AG Essen)
Raum SH 0/018
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Phone: 0234 542 810 50

Opening times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7pm

The advisory services are carried out by: Attorney Carsten Hesse, Attorney Arne Michels, Attorney and Tax Advisor Tobias Klümper