The AStA secretariat is the first point of contact for any questions. Here you can find information about all AStA offers.

In addition, the secretariat is responsible for accounting for student council projects / trips / basic assignments and Requests for initiatives .

If you have a preliminary course ticket correction or & nbsp; if you need authentication of documents , we are your contact. You can also submit the request for ticket refunds here .

If you do not know where the question belongs, you are welcome to contact the secretariat because it doesn’t cost anything to ask.

Due to the restrictions on the spread of COVID-19, we cannot offer any personal consultations or certifications in November.

Please note the following:
Corona information sheet for students the Ruhr Uni.

Please note the following:
Corona leaflet for students of the Ruhr Uni.

For urgent questions and matters, you can reach us at 0234 3222416 or at

We thank you for your understanding.


Frau Jessica Röken & Frau Nur Demir
AStA der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
SH 007
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
Telefon: 0234/32-22416
Telefax: 0234/701623
Email: sekretariat[at]

opening hours

Current office hours only by appointment.

Mon to Fri: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.