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The Department for University Policy, Education Policy and Social Policy is the direct point of contact for student issues relating to life on campus. We inform students about local, national and global higher education policy issues and offer the opportunity for discussion and exchange.

Our speakers network nationally at state student council meetings, are involved in education policy at state level and support the new Higher Education Act.

We network with the student councils, the Senate, the SHK Council, student initiatives and student self-administration committees and are available to answer any questions or problems they may have.

We run the attendance register for lectures and deal with lecturers on your behalf.

Furthermore, our advisors support the SHK and WHK in strikes and negotiations concerning TV-Stud.

We are very grateful for your opinions and suggestions and look forward to suggestions for interesting topics and active participation in the events.

Office hours in SoSe 2024

Wed 5-6 PM


AStA der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Referat für Hochschul-, Bildungs- und Sozialpolitik
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Michel Suhling (Referatsleitung)

Telefon: 0234/32-25150
E-Mail: hopo[at]