Scientist (f,m,div) in the area "CEA Systems Modelling“
Veröffentlicht am: 17.01.2025
Bezeichnung: Vollzeitbeschäftigung als Agrarwissenschaftler*inAnbieter: Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) e.V.
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Vorraussetzungen: abgeschlossenes Master-/Diplomstudium mit Promotion
Einstellung ab: vom 01.04.2025
Einstellungsdauer: 12 Monate
Ort der Arbeitsstätte: Großbeeren
Entlohnung: bis zur EG 13 TV-L
Bewerbungsunterlagen: Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse und Zertifikate
Stelle an der RUB: externe Stelle
To contribute to the target of resource optimization in protected environment crop production through smart systems we look for an enthusiastic and ambitious Scientist (f,m,div) in the area "CEA Systems Modelling“, Reference Number: 04/2025/4, at Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) in Großbeeren.
The employment will be initially from April 1, 2025 to March, 31 2026. The salary will be based on qualification and research experience according to the wage agreement TV-L, up to pay scale 13, full time.
The scientist will be part of the research group HORTSYS-Controlled environment horticultural systems. The main research in this group is aiming at resource-use optimised crop production in Controlled environment horticultural systems (CEA). We work towards solutions for resource conservation in greenhouses and controlled environments with mathematical modelling approaches. Use cases are model-based climate control in dynamic climate conditions and production monitoring. We build upon an existing Matlab-coded model simulator as basis.
The position will be among others be embedded in the EU Horizon Europe project EcoNutri where we focus on creating models and perform simulation studies of future solutions of agricultural production systems. In this project we participate as WP-coordinator for systems modelling and environmental assessment within an international consortium of 36 partners throughout Europe and China.
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